Academic programs

Achva Academic College offers a range of bachelor's and master's degree programs through its three schools:

School of Advanced Studies - 300 students

Master degrees (M.A. & M.Ed) offered:

M.A. – Cultural Sensitivity in Clinical Psychology

M.A. – Jewish - National Judaic Culture 

M.A. – Educational Counseling

M.Ed. – Special Education

M.Ed. – Math Education for Elementary School

M.Ed. – Education Systems Administration

M.Ed. – Education Systems Administration for Kindergarten Teacher

M.Teach Education - Master of Teaching


School of Sciences - 750 students

Bachelor degrees (B.Sc) offered: 

B.Sc – Life Sciences
B.Sc – Managerial Information Systems

B.Sc. - information systems & applied computer science
B.A – Psychology
B.A – Communication Disorders
B.A – Multi-disciplinary program


School of Education - 1,800 students

Bachelor degrees (B.Ed) offered:

B.Ed - English Teaching (Elementary and High School)

B.Ed - Early Childhood Education

B.Ed - Early Childhood Education for Arabic speakers

B.Ed - Elementary School Teaching for Arabic speakers

B.Ed - Arabic Language and Literature

B.Ed - Mathematics Teaching in High School 

B.Ed - Mathematics Teaching in Elementary School 

B.Ed - History Teaching in Elementary School

B.Ed - History Teaching in High School

B.Ed - Hebrew Language Teaching in Elementary School

B.Ed - Hebrew Language Teaching in High School

B.Ed - Hebrew Literature Teaching in High School

B.Ed - Hebrew Literature Teaching in Elementary School

B.Ed - Science Teaching in Elementary School

B.Ed - Science Teaching in High School

B.Ed - Special Education (until age 6)

B.Ed - Special Education (ages 7-21)


The Achva bachelor degree program for Mathematics Teaching in High schools is reputedly the best in Israel.


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