Department of Communications Disorders

Department of Communications Disorders

Chairperson: Prof. Daniel Algom

Research and study at the Department at Achva rests on the two pillars of the discipline:

Speech-Language pathology

Hearing-Audiology pathology

Students are exposed to the basic scientific foundations of this profoundly needed medical domain though a wide variety of courses taught by medical doctors, physicist, linguists, and, of course, clinicians. In addition to the academic coursework, a critical part of the program is for students gaining clinical practice and expertise through supervised work in extramural clinics, hospitals, and a variety of health facilities. In the near future, we plan to establish our own clinic at Achva for testing and treating hearing impairment and speech pathologies.

Recently, we have decided on a dedicated policy of attracting non-Hebrew speaking experts, so as to expose students to the rich ramifications of cross-cultural and cross-lingual aspects of the field.